
RYF 2014: Prakhar Bhar­tiya

ONUS — A Lead­er­ship Pro­gram

A Lead­er­ship Pro­gram “ONUS” is aimed to trans­form uni­ver­si­ties into a breed­ing ground for empa­thetic lead­ers who apply their Head, Heart and Hands to effec­tively drive change.


In India, more than 90% of the stu­dents DO NOT have access to higher edu­ca­tion. If they engage in self-​exploratory work­shops and learn through social action along with per­sonal men­tor­ship, it will help them real­ize their true poten­tial to cre­ate a pos­i­tive impact on soci­ety. If this hap­pens within the exist­ing col­lege ecosys­tem in which these stu­dents act as role mod­els to their fel­low class mates it will help bring about a cul­tural shift towards change-​making in the col­leges. Project encloses per­sonal men­tor­ship to 50 stu­dents who act as role mod­els and cre­ation of a 250 stu­dent com­mu­nity each year within col­lege cam­puses through com­mu­nity projects and on ground campaigns.