
RYF 2013: Vic­to­ria Nacu, Anca Ciofirla, Andrei Toma


To improve the com­mu­ni­ca­tion between young artists and show the cul­tural dif­fer­ences in our world through devel­op­ment of an online com­mu­ni­ca­tion plat­form. Work­ing in the field, read­ing stud­ies we have real­ized that aug­ment­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion mech­a­nisms between art schools and young artists them­selves would pro­vide a sig­nif­i­cant pos­i­tive social impact by allow­ing young artists to share works and ideas and par­tic­i­pate in con­struc­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the aim of devel­op­ing an open artist com­mu­nity active both at a national and regional level.

This open com­mu­ni­ca­tion between young artists would allow them to find out about the sig­nif­i­cant pro­posed art projects and facil­i­tate inter­na­tional coop­er­a­tion between artists within these projects.


What’s hap­pen­ing now

In Jan­u­ary we started imple­men­ta­tion of the project and divided activ­i­ties in two major direc­tions:

  • Tech­ni­cal – acqui­si­tion of the hard­ware and soft­ware and devel­op­ment and cus­tomiza­tion of the plat­form.
  • Rela­tional – iden­ti­fy­ing young artists.

We devel­oped a con­cept of iden­ti­fy­ing and con­tact­ing young artists. So after iden­ti­fy­ing art schools and art Uni­ver­sity from Bucharest and Pra­hova County, we arranged meet­ings with man­age­ment of these insti­tu­tions. Dur­ing meet­ings we pre­sented the con­cept of the project and the con­cept of the plat­form in work. We described the tar­get group and how the ben­e­fi­cia­ries will be able to reg­is­ter and man­age their accounts, why is use­ful and what are the ben­e­fits. Feed­backs and ques­tions were raised up.


Young artists came with some sug­ges­tions for the plat­form design and func­tion­al­ity.

We also where invited to some classes a some exhi­bi­tions of the young artists.

At the beginning of April we will have first ver­sion of that plat­form func­tional and in use. First 50 CV will be reg­is­tered together with the team mem­bers a draft list is in work.