
RYF 2012: Eras­mus Mweene

Sampa Youth Resource Centre

Sampa Youth Resource Cen­tre (SYRC) project will assist unem­ployed youth between ages 15 – 24 on the aspect of youth employ­ment, employ­ment cre­ation, entre­pre­neur­ship and health repro­duc­tive education.The cen­tre will pro­vide appro­pri­ate skills to youth in order to enable them to meet their full poten­tial for them to deal with life’s challenges.

What’s hap­pen­ing now

Cur­rent Stage on the Imple­men­ta­tion of the project In Novem­ber 2013, the Lusaka City Coun­cil held a full Coun­cil Meet­ing held where it was resolved to rec­om­mend that Lusaka City Coun­cil (LCC) and Youth Activism for Change (YAfC) enter into an MoU for the con­struc­tion of the Youth Resource Cen­ter in Matero Town­ship.

We ran into some dif­fi­cul­ties with regard to land for con­struc­tion which delayed the project. How­ever, after some time we man­aged to over­come these dif­fi­cul­ties and the con­truc­tion could pro­ceed.

Zambia’s econ­omy has been in a very bad state. There has been an unprece­dented increase in prices of goods and ser­vices. The local cur­rency has lost its value against inter­na­tional cur­ren­cies thereby giv­ing a strain on our bud­get.

But we are not giv­ing up. And we are fol­low­ing our goal!