
NYF 2012: Kabindra Burlakoti

Nepal Youth Forum 2013

“NEPAL YOUTH FORUM 2013” orga­nized by NYFN under col­lab­o­ra­tion with Min­istry of Youth and Sports and Youth Time Inter­na­tional Move­ment suc­cess­fully con­ducted its 3 day­long ses­sion with a theme “Youth Con­tribut­ing for Peace” in the wake of the Nepal’s ongo­ing peace process to estab­lish the sus­tain­able peace in the coun­try. It had brought about 300 youths of diverse back­ground across the coun­try from the pool of about 3000 appli­cants in a bid to explore their roles in estab­lish­ing the sus­tain­able peace and also 20 Inter­na­tional del­e­gates par­tic­i­pated in the forum.


Thus, NYF 2013 con­ducted by National Youth Fed­er­a­tion Nepal aimed to empower pos­i­tive thoughts on the youth, increase their lead­er­ship qual­ity, exchange cul­ture with dif­fer­ent ndige­nous com­mu­nity, finally, lead­ing towards socio eco­nomic change, sus­tain­able devel­op­ment and peace process in Nation. Sim­i­larly, dif­fer­ent national del­e­gates, polit­i­cal lead­ers addressed the sen­si­tive issues of these days such as:

  • Federalism,
  • Con­sti­tu­tion mak­ing process,
  • Peace process,
  • Civic responsibility,
  • Cli­mate change,
  • Sus­tain­able econ­omy and Leadership

The con­fer­ence fol­lowed an inter­ac­tive approach on deal­ing the the­matic issues raised in the event. The lan­guage used in the con­fer­ence was Nepali as well as Eng­lish as per the con­ve­nience of par­tic­i­pants. The con­fer­ence was highly inter­ac­tive, fol­low­ing the tools like group divi­sion and pre­sen­ta­tion, floor dis­cus­sion, expe­ri­ence shar­ing, ques­tion and answers rounds and direct interaction.

The three-​day long conference(6th Feb-​8th Feb,2012) begun with a sig­na­ture cam­paign rally pres­sur­ing the con­cerned stake­hold­ers to “lower the vot­ing age to 16” and a peace took off from Bhriku­ti­man­dap to Nepal Acad­emy Hall, Kamal­adi enti­tled with theme “Youth Con­tribut­ing for Peace and Sus­tain­able Development” .

Over the period of three days, the par­tic­i­pants dwelt on var­i­ous issues related to Fed­er­al­ism, Con­sti­tu­tion mak­ing process, Peace process, Civic respon­si­bil­ity, Cli­mate change, Sus­tain­able econ­omy and Lead­er­ship. Experts(please see Annex V) from related fields men­tored these dis­cus­sions and pre­sented papers on “Peace Process and Tran­si­tional Jus­tice in Nepal”, “New Con­sti­tu­tion and Issue of Fed­er­al­ism”, “Sus­tain­able Eco­nomic Growth”, “Build­ing Com­mu­nal Har­mony and Role of Media”, “Ethics, Civic Respon­si­bil­ity and Youth Lead­er­ship” and “Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment and Cli­mate Change”.