
RYF 2014: Nada Berrada


Studen’Trip is a social ven­ture that orga­nizes trips for Moroc­can Uni­ver­sity Stu­dents aged between 18 – 25 years old who want to help the com­mu­nity in Moroc­can rural areas. The indus­try of tourism in Morocco is grow­ing and becom­ing more and more attrac­tive. “Studen’Trip” ser­vice will allow stu­dents to do com­mu­nity work and con­nect them with peo­ple in need who live in the Moroc­can rural areas. Studen’Trip is a social ven­ture but it is also a busi­ness that aims to gain profit in order to keep the busi­ness and the social impact sustainable.