So you have already gone through our application process to have attended one of our previous main events. So why go through it again if you want to attend our next events?
Become an Ambassador or Member of the Youth Time Family and enjoy the guarantee of always being a part of our International events without going through the application selection process again.
Become either a Silver or Gold member and you will be guaranteed a place for either the next Summer School or Global Forum, or both! All membership fees include the administration fees & accommodation so there are no further costs to attending except for your own travel arrangements…but you can lower costs further.
Youth Time Membership Program is the best way if you wish to be more involved in future exciting events that Youth Time International Movement prepares for global youth. When you become an official member of YTIM, not only you are joining a family that is 100% committed to the interests of global youth but you are also unlocking a number of exclusive privileges and benefits that come with being either a Bronze, SILVER or GOLD member.
Joining the membership program will give you an exclusive priority with discounted fees, member-fast track application process, or even guaranteed qualification to attend annual events that Youth Time International Movement organises. Moreover, your membership can be upgraded every year for more benefits such as free entrance, extra hotel vouchers, individual travel grant or even fully sponsored attendance to YTIM events. Check our membership brochure for more fascinating perks!