
Ambassadors 2016

Sara Neupane (Nepal)

Sara Neupane (Nepal)

Sara is cur­rently work­ing as a Project Coor­di­na­tor in the Infor­mal Sec­tor Ser­vice Cen­tre (INSEC), a promi­nent national level NGO of Nepal that pro­motes human rights and social jus­tice. She has 10 years of expe­ri­ence in the devel­op­ment sec­tor and has worked in the United Nations Mis­sion in Nepal (UNMIN), UN Women and the Munic­i­pal Asso­ci­a­tion of Nepal (MuAN). She was awarded in the Rhodes Youth Forum 2013 for her project ‘Girl Friendly School San­i­ta­tion Improve­ment Project in Far West­ern Nepal’. Sara holds a Master’s Degree in Devel­op­ment Stud­ies from Kath­mandu Uni­ver­sity, Nepal and is a recip­i­ent of Nepal Vid­hyab­hushan Award ‘B’ con­ferred by the Pres­i­dent of Nepal. Her areas of exper­tise and inter­est include human rights, gen­der, pub­lic pol­icy and project management.

Thomas Wanker (Austria, Italy)

Thomas Wanker (Austria, Italy)

Thomas is the Sec­re­tary Gen­eral of an Inter­na­tional Orga­ni­za­tion based in Vienna that pro­motes, facil­i­tates and sup­ports eco­nomic and polit­i­cal rela­tions between Europe and Cen­tral Asia. Fur­ther, He is work­ing as legal coun­sel and pro­vides impulses for poten­tial busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties and con­sults entre­pre­neurs in order to ensure the secu­rity of their inter­na­tional busi­ness. Over the last five years Thomas has gained sound expe­ri­ence in project man­age­ment and facil­i­ta­tion of inter­na­tional pro­grams. In Italy and Ger­many he was work­ing to improve the mar­ket posi­tion of dif­fer­ent organizations.

Daria Laposhina (Russia)

Daria Laposhina (Russia)

Daria grad­u­ated from Moscow State Uni­ver­sity as a Pub­lic Rela­tions spe­cial­ist. The desire to develop a deeper under­stand­ing of human behav­ior and to use the gained knowl­edge in PR-​work led her to pur­sue a PhD in the field of social phi­los­o­phy. Her PhD the­sis focuses on elec­tronic cul­ture and its impact on how mod­ern peo­ple think, inter­act and make deci­sions. As one of the results of this work was an idea to use Dig­i­tal Game-​Based Learn­ing (DGBL) to enhance the effec­tive­ness of edu­ca­tional process. In 2013 she became a co-​founder of ”Game ON! Plat­form” project, which is aimed at achiev­ing wider adop­tion of DGBL by Russ­ian uni­ver­si­ties. Daria is pas­sion­ate about trav­el­ing, explor­ing new places, adven­tures, nature, meet­ing new peo­ple. Involved in Youth Time activ­i­ties since 2011.

Fatima Joda (Sudan)

Fatima Joda (Sudan)

Fatima is a young social and envi­ron­men­tal activist; among her causes are edu­ca­tion, pos­i­tive change, devel­op­ment, and women em-​powerment. She is an Event Coor­di­na­tor for a local cam­paign AnaLan (the Ara­bic for I Will Not), a social move­ment tak­ing a stand against Female Gen­i­tal Muti­la­tion (FGM) in Sudan. In 2015, Fatima rep­re­sented Sudanese Women Lead­ers in SUSI – US Depart­ment of State and Equal­ity and Women’s Rights Con­fer­ence in Il-​menau, Ger­many. She is an active vol­un­teer with UNV, Food Bank, Gen­er­a­tions for Peace and teaches Eng­lish to under­priv­i­leged chil­dren who dropped out of school. More­over, she is a free­lance graphic designer and painter, cur­rently prepar-​ing for her own visual art exhi­bi­tion. Her inter­ests include pol­i­tics, travel, hik­ing and skydiving.

Dushko Bojoski (Germany, Macedonia)

Dushko Bojoski (Germany, Macedonia)

With diverse pro­fes­sional expe­ri­ence in few promi­nent com­pa­nies in Ger­many and Mace­do­nia, at the moment he is work­ing as a Pro­duc­tion Man­ager at one of the lead­ing train­ing and con­sult­ing insti­tutes in the Mid­dle East, ded­i­cat­ing his time and energy to the skills devel­op­ment and knowl­edge capac­ity improve­ment of thou­sands of peo­ple on yearly basis. In addi­tion to his work duties, he is also becom­ing active in the entre­pre­neur­ship scene and is a fre­quent del­e­gate of numer­ous notable forums, con­fer­ences and schools world­wide, focus­ing on socioe­co­nom­ics, edu­ca­tion, busi­ness and politics. Lived on two con­ti­nents and pas­sion­ate about meet­ing excit­ing peo­ple and dis­cov­er­ing new cul­tures. You can find trav­el­ling, sports, music, chess, moon­light strolls on the beach and other ‘out­side of the com­fort zone’ adven­ture activ­i­ties on his free time menu.

Jonathan Fritzler (USA)

Jonathan Fritzler (USA)

After a nearly fatal accident Jonathan Fritzler experienced a profound Awakening. During his recovery, he began receiving visions of his future path. It was his call to a higher purpose. It was a call to serve the world. Now Jonathan is on a mission to impact the world through innovative approaches toward education, business, sustainability, and strategy. He is the author of the book “Hack Your Education”. While studying business at the University of Hawaii he used his school research build a million dollar recording studio in Honolulu. Now his organization EducationEnergy.net has helped mentor thousands of students Hack their Education and use their projects as tools for their future. Fritzler has given a TED Talk called “The Education Energy Movement”.